Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Aamir bin Abdullah Tamimi in Kufa and Madina

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Aamir bin Abdullah Tamimi in Kufa and Madina

'Aamir in Kufa
The people of Kufa invited 'Aamir to visit them. 'Aamir visited Kufa in response to the invitation. The people of Kufa welcomed him, and humored him in his eccentricities. They found that being intensely religious, 'Aamir was critical of the luxurious style of the government of Uthman. They also found that 'Aamir was bitter against Uthman for having exiled him from Basra for no cause. The people of Kufa exploited this position, and fed 'Aamir on imaginary tales about the lapses of Uthman and his government. That aroused the indignation of 'Aamir, and he declared that such a man had no right to be the Caliph. Some one suggested that the best Jihad for a man of the caliber of 'Aamir was to tell Uthman in the face that he was not fit to be the Caliph and should accordingly abdicate. 'Aamir said that he was not afraid of any one except God, and that he had the courage to tell Uthman in the face that he was not f t to be the Caliph. The people of Kufa declared their faith in 'Aamir, and chose him their emissary to go to Madina and speak to Uthman. 'Aamir agreed to undertake the mission.

'Aamir in Madina
In Madina, 'Aamir saw Uthman, and told him bluntly that he was not fit to be the Caliph and should abdicate. Uthman said that as the Caliph his responsibility was to God and not to any person. As Allah had clothed him with the office of the caliphate, he could not withdraw from the office at the behest of any person. He added that he had held the office for over ten years, and during this period he had served the Muslims to the best of his ability. Extensive conquests had been made during his time. The State had become financially prosperous under him. He had increased the stipends of the people; the Baitul Mal was full, and he had discharged the duties of his office honestly and conscientiously. Under the circumstances unless any specific charges were established against him, he could not resign. Any such move would amount to his running away from his post. 'Aamir insisted that charges or no charges, he had forfeited the right to rule, and should abdicate of his own free will or he would be deposed by force. That was pure sedition on the part of 'Aamir. Some hot words were exchanged between Uthman and 'Aamir, which created some bitterness. Uthman banned the return of 'Aamir to Kufa, he was sent to Syria, and Muawiyah was asked to keep a watch on him.

