Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Death of Yazdjurd
Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Death of Yazdjurd
When after his defeat, Yazdjurd wanted to retreat to Merv, he found the gates of the city closed against him. Abandoned by all, Yazdjurd fled to the countryside and sought shelter in a miller's hut. Yazdjurd sent the miller to the market to get some food for him. There he told some of the persons about his guest. The intelligence was carried to Mahrweih the Governor of Merv. He sent a small force to the miller's hut to cut off the head of the guest of the miller who was none other than Yazdjurd. When the force reached the miller's hut, Yazdjurd was identified, and the commander of the force ordered his head to be cut off. Yazdjurd pleaded in vain for mercy. His head was cut off and taken to the Governor. The headless body was thrown in the river Murghab. The dead body was found in the river by some Christian monks. They carried it to the Christian graveyard at Merv and buried it there. That was the end of Yazdjurd, and the Sassanian empire. Thus the prediction of the astrologers of the court of Chosroes Parwez was duly fulfilled.
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abu Dhar and Amir Muawiyah
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abu Dhar Ghifari in Madinah
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Exile of Abu Dhar Ghifari
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Agitation Against Uthman: Abdullah b Masud
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abdullah b Masud and Uthman
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Analysis of the Accounts
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abdur Rahman bin Auf
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Talha bin Ubaidullah
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Battle of the Camel
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Dhabi b Harith
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Ummair and Kammil
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Ammar bin Yaris
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Ammar b Yasir during the caliphate of Uthman
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Campaign of Vilification Against Uthman
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Ibn Saba's Subversive Movement
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Allies For The Ibn Saba's Movement
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Aamir bin Abdullah Tamimi in Basra and Syria
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - 'Aamir bin Abdullah Tamimi in Kufa and Madina
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - The political atmosphere in Madina
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Council of Governors
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Facing the Challange of the Seditionists
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Investigation into rumors
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's open letter to his people
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's address on the occasion of the Hajj
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Muawiyah's advice
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - The situation in Madina
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Ali's dialogue with Uthman
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's reaction to the address of Ali
- Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's address at the Prophet's mosque
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