Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Trial of Walid b Uqba

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Trial of Walid b Uqba

Walid b Uqba was summoned to Madina and put to trial The charge against him was that he had drunk and that he had led the morning prayers in a state of intoxication. The prosecutors were asked whether they had seen Walid drink. They said that they had not seen him drinking but he had vomited in their presence, and they had seen drops of wine sticking to his beard. They added that on a particular day Walid in a state of unconsciousness led the morning prayer in four rakaats and then asked the congregation, "Are you satisfied, or should we offer some rakaats. "Walid dented the charge No direct evidence had established the charge. In the absence of evidence the matter had to be decided by oath taking. The prosecutors took the solemn oath that Walid had drunk, and that he had led the prayers in a state of intoxication. The accounts that have come down to us provide that thereafter Uthman sentenced Walid b Uqba to the penalty of flogging. There is considerable discrepancy on the accounts that have come down to us. According to one account it is related that Walid objected that the charge against him had not been established as the witnesses were interested and prejudiced. It is stated that Uthman counseled Walid to bear the hardship with patience. According to one account Ali asked his son Hasan to flog Walid. Hasan refused to do so. Accordingly to one account it was Abdullah b Jafar b Abu Talib who flogged Walid. According to another version Saeed b 'Aas flogged Walid.

It is also related that the poet Hatiya composed some verses in the defense of Walid. He said:

"When Hatiya is presented in the court of Allah

He will give evidence that Walid is innocent.

Only jealous persons have complained against Walid And made false accusations.

In fact, Walid was not fond of office, nor did he depend on it.'

A poet of the rival camp said:

"What to say of Walid,

He would lead the prayers in a state of intoxication,

And lengthen the prayers.

If he continues in office

He would lengthen the morning prayer to ten rakaats."

