Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Achievements of Muawiyah

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Achievements of Muawiyah

Syria became an important and strategic province because of its proximity to the dominions of the Byzantines. Muawiyah proved to be a Governor of exceptional character. He ruled as Governor for twenty years, and thereafter ruled as Caliph for another twenty years. In the history of the world we do not come across an instance of a Governor who was as popular as Muawiyah.

Muawiyah conquered the islands of Cypress and Rhodes. The Byzantines invaded Spain with a large force. Amir Muawlyah defeated the Byzantines. The Byzantines evacuated the border forts in the Tarsus which were occupied by the Muslims. The Muslims under Amir Muawiyah raided the Byzantine territories every year and made extensive conquests.

Muawiyah proved to be the most popular Government. While in other provinces, the Governors had to be deposed every now and then, Arnir Muawiyah enjoyed a long spell of rule as Governor for twenty years. While other provinces became the hot beds of sedition and agitation during the caliphate of Uthman. Syria remained free from such agitation. The credit for this state of affairs belonged to Muawiyah

