Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - The Committee in session

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - The Committee in session

When the Committee was constituted, Talha was out of Madina. The remaining five members met immediately. It was soon found that there were strong differences among the members over the question of choosing a leader, and loud voices were raised projecting the differences. When the dying Caliph heard of these voices he ordered that the Committee should adjourn and meet after his death. He directed that after his death the Committee should reach the final decision within three days, and the next Caliph should take the oath of office on the fourth day. Umar's son Abdullah was to sit with the Committee as Adviser or Moderator, but he was not to have a vote, nor was he to be eligible for election as the Caliph. If Talha joined the Committee within this period, he was to take part in the deliberations, but if he did not return to Madina within this period, the other members of the Committee could proceed to take the decision. If there was a tie among the members, Abdul Rahman b Auf was to have the casting vote. Pending the election of the Caliph, Suhaib was to lead the prayers. When the Caliph was elected, the prayers were to be led by him.

