The Islamic World

The Islamic World

The Islamic World

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abdullah b Masud and Uthman

After the death of Umar when Uthman became the Caliph, Abdullah b Masud addressed the citizens of Kufa in the mosque, and exhorted them to take the oath of allegiance to Uthman, as he was the best choice for the caliphate. In the second year of his caliphate, Uthman appointed Sa 'ad b Abi Waqas as the Governor of Kufa. Soon a quarrel arose between Sa'ad and Abdullah. Sa'ad took some loan from the Baitul Mal and failed to return it within the stipulated period. Abdullah b Masud insisted on the repayment of the loan. The dispute grew and culminated in the deposition of Sa'ad b Abi Waqas. After Sa'ad, Walid b Uqba was appointed as the Governor of Kufa. At one time Abdullah b Masud used to shepherd the goats of Uqba b Abi Moheet the father of Walid. To start with the relationship between Walid and Abdullah b Masud was very cordial, but later differences grew between the two.

The Story of Moses: Signs of God’s Magnificent Power

Pharaoh was angry. His kingdom of fear was built by oppressing the people and holding their hearts and minds captive. All the people of Egypt from the ministers and magicians to the lowly slaves and servants were afraid of Pharaoh’s power and anger but Moses had exposed a weak spot. Pharaoh worried that his kingdom was about to unravel, however he was surrounded by sycophants and parasites who urged him on to greater tyranny.

Pharaoh’s security and intelligence officers began to spread rumours. They said Moses and some magicians had secretly organised for Moses to win the competition. The lifeless bodies of the slain magicians were hung in public places to further terrorise the people. Due to their association with Moses the children of Israel, became the scapegoats. They complained to Moses that they were ill treated when he was born and now he had caused them to be oppressed once again.

Prophet Salih (Salih) - Stories About the She-Camel

There are a number of ancient accounts of this camel and its miraculous nature. It was said that the she-camel was miraculous because a rock in the mountain split open and it came forth from it, followed by its young offspring. Other accounts said that the she-camel used to drink all the water in the wells in one day, and no other animals could approach the water. Still others claimed that the she-camel produced milk sufficient for all the people to drink, on the same day that it drank all the water, leaving none for them.

The Disbelievers' Hatred for Salih

Shia (Isaiah) - Isaiah and Hezekiah

Among the prophets between David and Zechariah is Isaiah (Shi'a) , Ibn Amoz (Amsiah). According to Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq, Isaiah appeared before Zechariah (Zakariah) and John the Baptist (Yahya) . He is among those who prophesied about Jesus (Isa) and Muhammad . The king during his time was called Hezekiah (Hazkia). He listened and was obedient to Isaiah in what he advised him to do and prohibit for the good of the state. Affairs took momentum among the Israelites. The king became sick with an infected foot. While he was sick, King Sennacherib (Sinharib) of Babylon advanced towards Jerusalem with sixty thousand men.

Allah Grants More Life to Hezekiah

Prophet Isa (Jesus) - Refutation of the Christians' Claims 2

Allah Disclaims Begetting Anyone - Surah 4
Almighty Allah commanded: 0 people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah Jesus, son of Mary was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah and His Word, ("Be" - and he was) which He bestowed on Mary and a spirit (Ruh) created by Him; so believe in Allah and His Messengers. Say not: 'Three (trinity)!" Cease! (It is) better for you. For Allah is (the only) One Ilah (God), Glory be to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is All-Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.

Khalifa Abu Bakr - Reply to The Tribes

Another consideration that weighed with Abu Bakr was that Zakat was not a levy subject to political considerations; it was an imperative injunction ordained by Islam, and was equated with prayers. Abu Bakr recalled that when the people of Taif had waited on the Holy Prophet and had sought to be relieved of the obligation to offer prayers, the Holy Prophet had refused to accept the demand on the ground that he was not competent to amend the mandate of God. On this analogy, Abu Bakr felt convinced that he was not competent to grant a concession violative of the fundamental principle of Islam.

Who are uncles of Prophet Muhammad?

The Prophet's paternal uncles are the offspring of ‘Abdul-Mutallib ibn Hashim. These are:

Abu Talib. His mother was Fatima al-Quraishiya daughter of ‘Amr ibn Makhzum. She was the mother of the Prophet's father ‘Abdullah and also the mother of Zubair and of all daughters of ‘Abdul-Mutallib. Called “al-Mumalliq’, he undertook the guardianship of the Prophet (s.a.w). He was son of ‘Abdul-Mutallib.

Khalifa Umar bin al-Khattab - Assessment By Western Writers

In his book "Lives of Successors of Muhammad", Washington Irving estimates the achievements of Umar in the following terms:

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's address on the occasion of the Hajj

In response to the call of Uthman, the followers of Ibn Saba sent large delegations from various cities. They were thoroughly briefed and were armed with a catalogue of imaginary wrongs which they were requited to present before the gathering.

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Facing the Challange of the Seditionists

Investigation into the state of affairs in the provinces

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's address at the Prophet's mosque

On the following Friday, Uthman addressed the congregation in the Prophet's mosque. After praising God and the Holy Prophet, Uthman said:

"It has come to my notice that many false things are being said against me and my administration. You know after the Holy Prophet, Abu Bakr became the Caliph and after him Umar became the Caliph. I served both of them, and they were happy with me. After Umar I was chosen as the Caliph. I swear

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Allies For The Ibn Saba's Movement

Ibn Saba won some allies from among the Muslims who had some grievance against Uthman right or wrong. 'Amr b Al 'Aas had been deposed by Uthman from the governorship of Egypt. He had a personal grievance against Uthman, and in some way or the other he played into the hands of the Ibn Sabaites.

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Abu Dhar Ghifari in Madinah

Abu Dhar Ghifari had come to Madinah after some ten years. During this period a great change had taken place in the environments. Palatial buildings had sprung up, and the city had expanded up to the hill of "Sala'a". Abu Dhar Ghifari stayed in the Prophet's mosque, and addressing the people he said, "O the people of Madinah, you have departed from the ways of the Holy Prophet. You are after amassing wealth; you have raised palatial buildings, and have become the victims of luxury. I give you the tidings of troubled times that lie ahead, for the Holy Prophet said that when the city expanded to the Sala'a hill there would be trouble for the people."

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Uthman's reaction to the address of Ali

Uthman listened patiently to the talk of Ali and then said:
