Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Extension of the Prophet's mosque

Khalifa Uthman bin Affan - Extension of the Prophet's mosque

One of the consequences of the treaty of Hudaibiyah was that the Arab tribes had to ally themselves with the Quraish of Makkah or the Muslims of Madina. The Arab tribes who were not favorably inclined to the Quraish sought alliance with the Muslims. Most of these tribes accepted Islam. In view of large scale conversions that took place in the post Hudaibiyah period, the Prophet's mosque at Madina became too small to accommodate all the Muslims who came there to pray, and the need for extension came to be felt. The Holy Prophet appealed to his followers to finance the project for the extension of the mosque. Uthman financed the entire project, and it was no longer necessary for the other Muslims to make any contribution. Immensely pleased with the conduct of Uthman, the Holy Prophet gave him the tidings of paradise in the next world. On this occasion, Ali is said to have composed the following verses in the honor of Uthman

"There's one that labors night and day,

To build us mosques of brick and clay,

And one who turns from dust away.

There's no life, but life of next world

O God have mercy on the Muhajreen and the Ansar".

